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The Labex Arts-H2H explores new connections between arts, humanities, sciences and techniques, between the physical space and the data space, between artistic forms and their mediation. Its projects are transdisciplinary and collaboratively developed, bringing together corpuses, methodologies and scientific formats with artistic creation. The Labex Arts-H2H creates spaces for hybrid experimentations, between theory and practice, and its research connects arts to the world, to social sciences and experimental sciences, considering new configurations brought by the digital age.
Stand of Labex Arts-H2H - 1st floor
The Laboratory of Excellence in Arts and Human Mediations (Labex Arts-H2H) is part of “Investments for the future” governmental program since 2011. As part of this program, its members conduct research following three main lines: situations, technologies, hybridization. The representatives of the Labex welcome the visitors on this stand and will make them discover, through brochures and Internet, the numerous projects which it supports in the domains of the artistic practices and the creation, and their mediation human.