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 Institution : IDEFI-CréaTIC  

For the last five years, Paris 8 has offered a unique framework and a privileged environment for research initiatives: the Initiative d’Excellence en Formations Innovantes: Création et Technologies de l'Information et de la Communication (IDEFI CréaTIC) is funded by French government investment programmes and is original transdisciplinary research and training initiatives rooted firmly in the 21st century and focusing on digital art as it relates to the human and social sciences.

Stand of IDEFI CréaTIC - 1st floor

Creation and Technologies of information and the Communication (CréaTIC) is a prize-winner of 
the Excellent Initiatives in Innovative Formations program of the French government, since 2012. The CréaTIC program rests on some fundamental principles: creation as an epistemological driver of innovative teaching methods (in Workshop-Laboratories), systematic use of cutting-edge digital technologies for teaching and collaborative work and labour-market integration.

A screen, specially designed, presents the numerous projects and the prototypes realized by the students within the framework of the program Créatic. Brochures and works can be consulted on the spot.

Website : http://idefi-creatic.net.